Teaser- and Snippet Functionality: CONTENIDO presents various options for creating and presenting content teasers and lists of articles, e.g. for overview and landing pages.
Synchronize Multilingual Content: CONTENIDO eases the multilingual editorial life. Select a language - synchronize - translate - and just publish. There is no restriction on the number of languages you can use.
Social Media Social Media modules easily integrate services like Twitter, Facebook, Google , LinkedIn and XING.
Time-Controlled Publishing: Time control allows you publishing your content whenever it suits you. This mechanism covers media resources such as images and documents as well.
Version Control - Database Level: CONTENIDO applies version control to layouts, modules and content related information. Further version control enhancements are scheduled for 2013.
Link Management: CONTENIDO´s integrated link checking mechanism verifies the reachability of internal and external links of your online service.
User Comments, Blog and Bulletin Board: CONTENIDO offers the ability to increase user feedback by adding a comment and rating option to specific pages - integrating your own blog.
The addition of a bulletin board enhances your online service with real user generated content.